General Information

General Information

Segals Hair Loss Treatment is the latest treatment, a new & different approach to controlling thinning hair or hair loss. It is naturally based on herbal technology. It is a combination of an African Plant life as well as the latest in hair care technology. It has been developed by Pharmacist D.R. Segal who is also the author of  “Preventing & Reversing Hair Loss” and his father Lou Segal, a chemist. The formulas have been used for over 30 years with incredible success.

People all over the world are reporting amazing results with reduced hair loss and the new hair emerges become thicker, fuller and stronger. The most important result has been “improved self esteem” and vibrant feeling of youth” that comes with having thick full looking hair. Segals Solutions works by creating the ideal environment for healthy, strong hair growth. It achieves this by the following:

  • Unclogs the hair follicles by removing the waxy build up.
  • Reduces the high levels of the “root choking” hormone DHT.
  • Improves the blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Thickens and strengthens the new hair growth.

It is effective for women as well!! Women have diffuse hair loss and this seems to be due to number of factors such as hormonal changes, birth control medications, giving birth, weight loss or vegetarian diet and even stress. It is very easy to use. Preferably at night(or in the morning)massage the Formulas into the thinning area of your scalp. Leave on the scalp overnight for at least 6-8 hours. Whenever you wash your hair use the Shampoo & Conditioner. Take a capsule of the Hair Supplement after breakfast and dinner.

Over a period of 3 t0 4 weeks you will notice a drastic reduction in hair loss and new hair growth will emerge thicker,stronger and healthier within 2-6 months. Segals Solutions is natural and safe to use. There no known side effects. Segals can be used by men or women of any age.


Diet and Hair Loss Prevention

Good nutrition is important to having thick, full, luxurious hair.

What we eat, without argument, affects the growth and health of our bodies, including our hair. If your hair is nourished with proper vitamins and minerals and looked after with massaging, cleansing, conditioning and regular exercise, you will have strong and healthy hair.

To ensure good hair growth and replacement, the hair root needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutritional substances which it obtains from the blood. This means that a certain number of conditions regarding nutrition must be met.

To combat vitamin deficiencies, add a nutritional supplement that has been especially developed to nourish the starved hair follicle from within. These natural biological agents must be supplied in a balanced ratio so that your body can absorb them without overloading or under supplying your system. By doing so, you will revitalize your tired hair as well as your nails.

Based on available scientific knowledge of the relation between good nutrition and good hair growth, I also recommend the following diet rules for a healthy scalp and hair:

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not overcook your vegetables as many valuable vitamins and minerals are destroyed or lost in cooking.
Eat food rich in B vitamins: liver, wheat germ, nuts, peas, whole grains. Fortify your diet with natural Vitamin B-complex.
Avoid the excessive intake of animal fats and refined carbohydrates: white sugar, white flour and foods made from them. Replace animal fats and hydrogenated fats in your diet with unsaturated vegetable oils: corn oil, safflower oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, etc.
Adequate amounts of protein in the diet work to maintain and build new tissues in the body, including new hair follicles. Research has shown that people who follow a low protein diet have displayed signs of hair loss.
Avoid smoking. Smoking constricts the arteries and the small blood capillaries, while slowing down blood circulation.


Women, Stress and Hair Loss 

Perm or coloring can break hair and make it look thinner. Physiological changes can also cause hair loss. Childbirth, crash dieting and taking birth control pills all encourage hair to shed. Normal hair growth should resume after the condition is corrected.

Since it takes months for hair to show the damage caused by stress and trauma, it will also, in turn, take months to heal and regrow. Most of the damaged hair will have to fall out before new and healthy growth becomes obvious.

Regular exercise will help improve the condition of your hair. Physical activity reduces stress and increases the blood flow to the extremities, including the head and scalp.

Scalp Stimulation

Massaging Your Scalp-The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Hair Growth

“Circulation-stimulating” massages are a crucial part of your hair healthy program. Massages should be done daily to improve circulation, help nourish the scalp and keep the skin loose, thus allowing the blood to flow easily to the roots of the hair.

The skin at the top of the scalp is tighter than at the sides. If the top is not kept loose, the skin can seal up the scalp, cutting off that very important lifeline of blood which your hair needs.

Different Types of Scalp

The characteristics of a healthy scalp are:

1.a scalp with a plentiful network of blood vessels

2.a loose scalp,and

3.a thick scalp

A person with a thin scalp will probably become bald in early adulthood. Someone who has an average scalp thickness (typical of most people) on the other hand,can expect to produce a decent growth of hair for most of their lives,if he or she practices a conscientious program of hair and scalp care.

Having a thick scalp,however will not necessarily guarantee healthy hair. Other factors must be considered. For example,a thick scalp could also contain a high proportion of connective tissue. If this is the case,the surrounding blood vessels could become constricted by the pressure of this tissue. This pressure and the subsequent constriction reduces the efficiency of the blood vessels and decreases the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. Such a scalp may be recognized by its unusual firmness and immobility-it feels tight when massaged. So,for healthy hair growth you want to have a scalp that is loose and highly vascular.

How to Do a Proper Scalp Massage      

Remember the following:

* Do not use your fingernails when massaging

* Do not use a plastic brush

* Do not use the whole hand

* Do not randomly move your fingers through your hair

To begin,imagine yourself kneading a lump of dough. Place all ten fingertips firmly on your head. Arch your hands and make sure the palms aren't touching the scalp. Remember,only the pads of the fingers should be pressing against the scalp.

Stay in this arched position and push the scalp by drawing your fingers together. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and then spread the fingers apart. Think of this whole exercise in terms of flexing and un-flexing the fingers,while the fingertips are in a resting position on the scalp.

Proceed by systematically moving the fingers to different positions on the scalp and repeating this technique. You must work on the whole scalp,always massaging from front to back,then back to front. In other words,start with the forehead and the sides. Next,proceed over the crown until you end up at the base of the neck. This path follows the natural route of the blood flow to the heart. When massaging from back to  front you will help the flow of fresh blood carry nutrients to each hair follicle.

After massaging,your scalp will feel tingly and refreshed. It should feel looser than before. That's good sign,since this looser scalp should reduce your chance of hair loss. Massaging should be a relaxing,enjoyable part of your daily routine.

Massaging is especially valuable when your scalp feels tight or when you find yourself under some stress. Try to include this massaging exercise as a part of your hair washing program as well.

Hair Hygiene


In addition to thoroughly cleaning the hair,a good shampoo should also be gentle enough to keep the hair well moisturized and soft. This can be accomplished by combining just the right balance of ingredients in just the right amounts. A thinning hair shampoo should be enriched with Jojoba Oil and Polysorbate 80 to remove oils and waxy buildup. Also,Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) and Biotin help increase the thickness,body and texture of each strand. Leading authorities on hair recommend shampooing every day. This washes away scalp oils containing the hormone DHT (dhydrotestoterone) which contributes to hair loss.


Like shampoo,conditioners must leave behind enough ingredients so that the hair combs easily and feels soft,but not so that the hair looks weighted down or greasy. The best ingredients to look for in a hair conditioner are Lipposomes,Wheat Protein and plant extracts such as Horsetail Extract and Stinging Nettle. Conditioners should strengthen your hair,adding volume and shine.

A Step-by-Step way to wash your hair

* Always brush hair to loosen dirt and scalp flakes while activating oil glands.

* Massage scalp gently to relieve tension and aid blood circulation in the scalp.

* Wet hair thoroughly with warm water or lukewarm water.

* Pour a small amount of shampoo onto palm of your hand,rub both hands together and smooth shampoo on evenly. (Pouring shampoo directly onto the hair makes even distribution impossible).

* Massage shampoo into scalp with fingertips,adding more water for suds.Spread the lather quickly throughout your hair,leave on for several seconds,comb through,then rinse with warm water.

* After the first thorough rinsing,the second rinse should be with water which is progressively colder. This reduces 'swelling' of the hair tube and stimulates circulation. Cold water also makes the hairs stiffer and stronger,while locking them more firmly into their root/

* The final step is to gently comb the hair with a wide-tooth comb rather than a brush which can stretch and break your hair.

All About pH

pH is a scale chemists use to measure acidity and alkalinity. The scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline). The mid-point 7 on the scale is equal to the pH of distilled water.

The"natural" pH of hair and skin is between 5 & 6 in other words,slightly acidic. Both a highly alkaline or extremely acidic substance will damage your hair & skin. A shampoo should have a pH of between 4 & 7,which is within the normal pH range of the scalp.

Can Dandruff cause Hair Loss

Many people with serious dandruff problems maintain healthy hair throughout their lives. For those with thinning hair however dandruff problem may worsen the condition. Dandruff itself does not cause baldness. It is the result of increased skin cell production combined with excessive secretions. The two most basic steps in dealing with dandruff are massaging the scalp and frequent brushing.

Blow-Dryers can Actually Help

Blow-drying,if done properly and in moderation can actually benefit the scalp and hair. Blow-drying can increase blood flow to the scalp and thus improve circulation of vital nutrients to that area. When you finish shampooing and conditioning with that last cold rinse,you have also restricted blood flow to the scalp. Using a warm blow-dryer can help raise the temperature of the scalp and restore circulation. To get the full benefits from your blow-dryer,remember to keep the air moving over your head and not leave it in one spot too long. Also,make sure the dryer stays at least 6 inches from your head.

A Guide to Protecting Your Hair.

* Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight,water,sand and chlorine.

* Cover your head with a hat as much a possible.

In choosing a hair care product look for ingredients that contain the following:

Aloe Vera to restore the precious moisture balance lost through blow-drying,tints and perms.

Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) protects hair from the damaging effects of the sun and pollutants.

Jojoba Oil dissolves salt build-up due to perspiration.

EDTA removes chlorine,damage caused by  swimming pools and hot tubs.

The Anatomy of Hair

The Hair Root

Similar to a tree or a plant, there is more to a strand of hair than what you can actually see from above the scalp. Found below the skin, the hair root is contained in a tube like structure called follicle. new cells are created in the hair root. As they enlarge and divide they are pushed up and out, causing visible hair growth. You may be surprised to know that once your hair is visible, it becomes dead tissue. In this respect,hair is similar to the tips of your fingernails.

The Hair Shaft

Each strand of hair has two main components: the hair shaft and the root. The shaft is formed from the old cells that are pushed out as a result of new cell growth in the root.

By understanding the components which make up a strand of hair (and their functions) we can more easily treat and rejuvenate damaged areas. The parts of the hair are divided into three segments, which include the cuticle,the cortex and the core. 1) the cuticle forming the outer layer, the cuticle is made up of hard transparent cells, that overlap each other like the scales of a fish. General hair condition is largely determined by the condition of the cuticle, since it is the layer giving elasticity and resiliency to the hair. 2) The Cortex, forming the middle layer, the Cortex is protected by the cuticle and consists of rope like-protein fibers. If the cuticle is damaged, the Cortex becomes exposed, allowing the moisture loss. When this happens the Cortex unravels causing split ends and damaged hair. 3) The Medulla or the core is the supporting structure for a strand of hair. it is interesting to note that the medulla can be absent or interrupted.without weakening the hair strand.

The Life Cycle of Hair

The Life Cycle of Hair grows in three phases. The first is the ANAGEN or growth phase. This is a period of very rapid Keratin (protein) production. The average rate of human hair growth is about 1/100 of an inch per day. The next stage is the CATAGEN or transitional phase. This period lasts only a few weeks during which the follicles winds down its rapid metabolism, shrinks, wrinkles and contracts. At this point, it finally stops producing Keratin. The final stage, known as the telegon or resting phase occurs when the follicle stops shrinking. This period usually lasts from 3-4 months. During this time the hair rests in the follicle until it is physically dislodged by brushing, washing, combing or massaging. When a hair reaches the end of its life, it falls out and is replaced by a new hair which grows in the same follicle as the old one. At any given time, approximately 10-15% of your hair is in TELOGEN or resting phase. The remaining 85-90% is in anagen or growth phase. A problem occurs when the percentage of hair in the Telogen or resting phase is increased over and above the norm. My hair care program can help to prolong the anagen (growth) phase. You will notice a reduction in the amount of hair loss as well as new hair growth.

The Formation & Development of Thinning Hair & Premature Balding

The Main Causes of Hair Loss

One of the most distressing forms of scalp disorders is Alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. The symptoms of this genetically predetermined disorder include physical changes in the hair including loss of normal vigor and elasticity. Eventually  the hair can become thin and brittle and begin to fall out. While this type of baldness is referred to as male pattern baldness, it can occur in either sex. When females, however the hairline becomes sparse but does not recede.

For some people thinning hair or even balding can begin to appear during puberty. It is caused by a change in the hormonal balance with the main culprit being an overabundance of androgen.Heredity is the predominant factor in the male baldness as it determines which 'target' follicles will be susceptible to these powerful androgen. Hair loss in women generally occurs after menopause, reflecting decreased levels of estrogen and thus comparatively higher levels of androgens in the systems.

Contributing Factors Causing Hair Loss

There are a number of contributing factors causing hair loss which if treated are reversible.

Nutritional Imbalance. A vitamin and protein deficient diet provides inadequate nutrients for the scalp, thus affecting hair growth. For example crash diets often cause excessive hair loss.

Stress. Excessive anxiety, a sudden shock or physical stress from surgery or chemotherapy  may also cause hair loss. You could include in this category a lengthy or severe illness. In the case of lengthy illness the general condition of the hair may indicate your general poor state of health. However when health is restored the hair normally grows back on its own without any special treatment.

Impaired Scalp Circulation. If the scalp is very tight, blood circulation to the follicle is reduced and the hair 'starves'. There are several factors which contribute to making a scalp tight. They include changes, in climate, medication, discontinuing birth control pills and postpartum hormonal imbalances.

Externally Caused Damaged. Washing your hair with a shampoo that is too strong can gradually strip it of its natural oils and lead to hair loss. In some cases hair preparations and shampoos can also cause allergic reactions.

Normal Hair Loss & the Beginning Stages of Balding

Most people lose an average of 40-70 hairs per day. For the most part, we are unaware that we are losing hair. If your hair is healthy and heredity is on your side, those hair will be replaced and the hair loss will not be noticeable.

The first warning signs of baldness appear when excessive amounts of hair fall out when you brush your hair. You may also find a lot of hair on your pillow or even some thinning on the temple or the crown of your head. More advanced signs of creeping baldness is a definite recession of the hairline. Even if your genes have predetermined that you will ultimately lose your hair, there still are several steps you can take this process down.

The Difference Between Hair Loss and Hair Breakage

One point to note here is the difference between hair loss and hair breakage. Hair that is falling out will have a little white bulb on the end. This white bulb is not the hair root, you can;t lose root. Rather it is a part of the hair nearest to the root. Since the active hair root doesn't come out with the hair to unravels. Unravels here is always the possibility for new growth.

On the other hand, if the fallen hair does not have a white bulb at the end of it, then the hair is broken. This can caused by the blow dryers, perms or chemical processes. Specific treatment shampoos and conditioners can be used to correct this problem.

YOU CAN NOW PROLONG THE LIFE OF YOUR HAIR! Kick start it with the 'Once-A-Week Scalp Serum' and Deep Cleansing Shampoo.

1) ANAGEN (Growing)STAGE

This is the name for the growing period of hair follicles which typically lasts about 3-5 years. This stage represents 87% of hair growth with very rapid Keratin(Protein) production.

2) CATAGEN (Intermediate)STAGE

This transition period of hair follicles from growth to rest.typically last for 1-2 weeks when the deeper portions start to collapse.

3) TELOGEN (Resting or Shedding)STAGE

This resting period of hair follicles typically lasts about 3-4 months with older hairs fall off and newer hair begin to grow.

How Does This Serum Work

It helps prolong the Anagen (growth) phase. Being a period of very rapid Keratin(protein) production,the Scalp Serum's 'power complex' supports the hair growing keep the follicles in the scalp longer.

The treatment consists of:

A) A "Once-A-Week" Scalp  Serum

B) Hair Root & Sebum Cleansing Shampoo

A) Power Complex:

* 3X the potency of the original Scalp Formula

* Caffeine helps to protect hair roots and provide them with sufficient energy to grow healthy and strong hair.

* Peptide,a clinically proven breakthrough complex combines plant-derived Biochanin A with a patented single Peptide

* Keratin (Extra Protein)

B) Hair Root  & Sebum Cleansing Shampoo.

* This Shampoo targets and cleanses away follicle clogged Sebum and residue. Contains patented Peptides and a caffeine complex to nourish and re-energize thin looking hair.

NOTE: For faster results this Scalp 'Booster' Serum should  be used once a week only. On that day only,you DO NOT need to apply the regular Scalp Formula Program.